40% of men and women in Britain and the US are infertile and 20% are sub-fertile with percentages rising every year.
I don’t know about you, but these are staggering statistics. It’s no wonder anyone is able to conceive at all with these heart-wrenching numbers and it really saddens my heart to think that so many are unable to have children of their own or face great difficulties and challenges before conceiving.
Because there are so many possible causes of infertility (complicate that two-fold because there are TWO people involved in conceiving a baby), finding the underlying issue can involve a lot of pressure, negative emotions, demoralization, and a deep sadness from unfulfilled maternal/paternal instincts. Many who face infertility turn to medical intervention such as hormonal treatments, pharmaceutical drugs, and intrusive procedures. Often, these treatments don’t work and end up costing couples a lot of time and money. Sometimes these couples go through a lot of setbacks and complications before they finally conceive. Some get pregnant with little to no trouble at all.
It’s all worth it in the end, but does it really have to be this way? Is there a way to increase fertility without all the intervention? I believe there is!
How to Increase Fertility with Essential Oils
There are many factors that come into play that can affect sex hormones. Aside from the typical things to do that increase fertility like eating a healthy real food diet, eating fertility increasing foods, gentle liver detox, and living an all-around active and healthy lifestyle, there is one thing most people don’t consider when trying to increase fertility: essential oils.
You may be thinking: How can essential oils help something so complex? It's simple really. Phytohormones.
Have you ever heard how soy can affect your hormones? Simply eating soy can affect hormones substantially because it has constituents in it that mimic Estrogen in our bodies. They’re called phytoestrogens and some women use soy as a way to increase estrogen in their body for this reason. Others use topical creams that contain wild yam root to increase progesterone because this herb mimics the progesterone in our bodies.
There are many plants that have the ability to increase, stimulate, and regulate certain hormones, especially when pure and highly concentrated like an essential oil. These plants are known to be phytohormonal which means that they contain plant hormones that mimic some of our own.
There are at least 8 different hormones (generally speaking) responsible for our ability to conceive:
• Estrogen- Responsible for reproductive cycles, it is the primary female sex hormone and is essential for a healthy libido.
• Progesterone- Often referred to as the pregnancy hormone, it plays a key role in fetal development, the menstrual cycle, cervical mucus, the onset of labor, breast development, and helps prevent pre-term birth.
• Follicle-stimulating Hormone (FSH) - stimulates the formation and maturation of ovaries and sperm.
• Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone- Responsible for stimulating the release of FSH.
• Luteinizing Hormone (LH)- Triggers ovulation in women and the production of testosterone in men.
• Testosterone- The primary male sex hormone.
• Oxytocin- Plays a key role in various behaviors, including orgasm, social recognition, pair bonding, anxiety, and maternal behaviors.
• Vasopressin- Plays an important role in social behavior, sexual motivation, pair bonding, and maternal responses to stress.
***Of course, there are MANY subcategories of hormones (even my list above is superfluously basic) and each one incredibly complex in its actions in the realm of fertility. To save myself from writing a textbook on hormones, I attempted to keep things as simple as possible.***
As you can see, each one of these hormones plays an integral role in fertility and our ability to conceive, keep, and birth a child. Some of them are easier to treat than others, but with the help of a few essential oils and their phytohormonal properties, there may finally be some light at the end of the tunnel.
How do you Know Which Fertility Hormones to Focus on?
It’s really important to know which sex hormones need attention. Blindly trying out a bunch of essential oils because you believe you need more of this hormone or that hormone might not work out the way you intended. Hormones are tricky so the best way to know which essential oils to go with is by testing your hormones before starting any type of holistic protocol.
How to Test Hormone Levels for Fertility in Men and Women
There are many different ways to test hormones both at the doctor’s office and at home, each with their advantages and disadvantages.
Types of Hormonal Testing
24 Hour Urine Test-
A urine test is an accurate way to test both female and male hormone balance as well as long-term adrenal health and cortisol levels.
This method is able to test for many estrogen metabolites which provide critical information about a person’s fertility and other aspects of their physiology.
Urine Testing can Show You:
- Female hormone balance
- Androgen balance (male hormones)
- Breast and prostate cancer risk factors
- Adrenal health
- Adrenal reserves
- Growth hormone levels
- 5α-reductase activity
- Monitors bio-identical hormone therapy
Blood (serum) Test-
The most common hormone test, serum testing is great for a direct assessment of circulating hormones.
Serum tests offer a snapshot look at sex hormones that tend to fluctuate at different times during the day. This type of testing is relatively accurate.
Serum Testing Calculates:
- 5α-DHT
- LH
- ProlactinTSH
- RT3
- Insulin
- IGF-1
- 3β-Adiol
Saliva Test-
This test is the least accurate for testing sex hormones; however, it is good for testing estrogen and progesterone throughout the month in women with a menstrual cycle. It also tests the circadian rhythm.
Saliva Testing is Best for:
- Circadian cortisol pattern
- Menstrual cycle evaluation
Essential Oils for Fertility
Essential Oils for Fertility in Females
Now that you know which hormones to focus on, we can now talk about some pretty amazing essential oils and how to use them. This isn't a definitive guide, but it is a great place to begin. Also, keep in mind that these protocols should be started on the last day of your period for best results.
Some of the best essential oils to use for stimulating sexual hormones and promoting fertility in women are:
• Basil
• Chamomile Roman
• Clary-sage – Stimulates the pituitary gland which produces estrogen. Clary sage is also a uterine tonic and is best paired with geranium.
• Coriander – Phytoestrogenic and a glandular tonic. Stimulates vaginal lubrication.
• Cypress
• Eucalyptus
• Fennel – Fennel is known to have a strong estrogenic effect and is one of the most effective phytoestrogenic oils.
• Frankincense – Calming effect on sexual nervous tension and calms emotional wounds.
• Geranium – Has a profound balancing effect on the endocrine system and regulates hormone function.
• Lavender – Balances the endocrine system and regulates scanty menstruation. Greatly supported by geranium and clary-sage.
• Marjoram
• Melissa
• Myrrh – Clears obstructions in the womb, regulates scanty periods, and contains phytoestrogens.
• Nutmeg
• Oregano
• Tarragon – Known for its ability to regulate erratic menstrual cycles. Calms menstrual pain.
• Thyme
• Ylang ylang- Energizes the reproductive organs, aphrodisiac, and supports hormonal balance.
These oils can be diluted in carrier oil and applied to the vita flex points that indicate sexual health such as the uterus, ovaries, and prostate. Look at the picture below to find the vita flex points that correspond to your individual protocol. This article has a few more vita flex points that are great for fertility as well!
How to Balance Hormones (general)
Place 2 drops of Frankincense under the tongue morning and night (Food Grade Essential Oils ONLY)
Geranium topically over the adrenal glands (kidneys) every morning
Mix 3 drops each of Frankincense, Cypress, and Roman Chamomile in 1 TB of coconut oil and apply to the bottoms of the feet morning and night.
The key here is consistency! You won't be able to balance your hormones if your application of these essential oils is erratic or here and there. You have to stick to it.
To Increase Progesterone
Apply Thyme and Marjoram (3 drops each in 1 TB coconut oil) over the liver at night
You can easily customize a Female Fertility Blend by combining the essential oils below:
• Basil – 10 drops
• Clary-sage – 25 drops
• Cypress – 5 drops
• Eucalyptus – 5 drops
• Frankincense – 10 drops
• Geranium – 15 drops
• Lavender – 5 drops
• Marjoram – 15 drops
• Ylang Ylang – 3 drops
Mix in 2oz of carrier oil ( I like this one) and apply on the bottoms of the feet and on the inside of the ankles twice a day.
Other Essential Oils for Fertility in Women
The essential oils discussed below can be diluted in carrier oil and then applied to the vita flex points for sexual health.
The best carrier oils to use are:
• Emu Oil – The BEST transdermal oil. Anything mixed with this oil will be absorbed readily into the skin.
• Coconut oil
• Almond oil
• Grape seed oil – For those you break out easily. This oil is very light in consistency.
Essential Oils for Ovary Health
• Basil
• Geranium
• Rosemary
Essential Oils for Uterine Health
• Frankincense
• Geranium
• Lemon
• Melaleuca
• Myrrh
• Sweet Orange
Essential Oils for Cervical (infertile mucus) Health
• Cardamom – Detoxes the blood and liquefies thick dry mucus
• Cedar wood – Breaks down mucus and supports kidney function
• Frankincense – A supporting oil for moistening mucus membranes
• Geranium – Moistens mucus membranes and stimulates circulation
• Lemon Eucalyptus – Helps the body produce more cervical mucus
• Rose Otto – Known for its ability to increase vaginal lubrication. This oil also balances hormones.
Essential Oils for Unexplained Infertility in Women
Sometimes it’s difficult to know what reasons are causing infertility in the first place. In these cases, it is beneficial to relieve stagnation in the body in order to restore balance. This method is often used in Traditional Chinese Medicine with great results.
Liver stagnation is the most common cause for unexplained infertility in women because it constricts blood flow to the pelvic cavity, right where all of our sexual organs are situated.
Symptoms of a Stagnant Liver Include:
• Irritability
• Mood swings
• Depression
• Frustration
• Worry
• Irregular periods
• Sore breasts
• Headaches and migraines
• Dark blood during menses
Essential oils can be used effectively to tonify and detox the liver allowing nourishing blood to flow freely once again.
Of course, stagnation can sometimes not be the only reason for infertility. Check out this article to learn about other possible reasons for difficulty conceiving.
Essential Oils for a Stagnant Liver
• Bergamot- Balances the flow of Qi to and from the liver
• Grapefruit – Purifies the blood. Regulates liver efficacy
• Mandarin– Stimulates the liver
• Sweet Orange – Moves accumulated stagnation in the liver, stomach, and intestines. Allows one to let go of anger.
These essential oils can be diluted in carrier oil and applied over the liver before bedtime.
Essential Oils for Fertility in Males
These protocols can be started anytime. Continue to use these blends for 3 months.
Here are some of the best essential oils for stimulating sex hormones in men:
• Angelica
• Basil
• Blue Spruce – Increases male testosterone levels
• Cedar wood
• Clary-sage
• Cumin
• Sage – Has a restorative effect on the reproductive system with a profound reputation for treating infertility. Contains phytoestrogens.
• Thyme
•Vetiver – A reproductive system tonic, vetiver is known to relax underlying sexual problems.
Male Fertility Blend-
• Basil – 10 drops
• Clary-sage – 25 drops
• Geranium – 15 drops
• Lavender – 5 drops
• Marjoram – 15 drops
• Ylang Ylang – 2 drops
Mix into 2oz of carrier oil and apply twice daily to the bottoms of the feet and inside the ankles.
Essential Oils for Low Sperm Count
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, low sperm count stems from deficient kidney Qi. Many men who suffer from this can benefit from tonifying the kidneys as well as removing stagnation from the liver.
Essential Oils that Enhance Kidney Qi
• Cedarwood – A powerful Qi tonic for the kidneys
• Geranium – Clears heat, inflammation, and stagnation from the kidneys
• Ginger – Stimulates yang kidney energy
• Juniper – Consolidates the worry and pressure experienced when conceiving is difficult
You can learn how to get these therapeutic grade essential oils HERE.
Apply these oils diluted in carrier oil to the lower back, pelvis, vita flex points, and the inner ankles 2-3 times daily.
The key to using essential oils for fertility is knowing which hormones need support, knowing which oils are best for your situation, and consistency. Some will experience great results in just a couple weeks, others may need a bit more time to balance, support, and nourish their bodies. Don't feel discouraged, your body is capable of amazing things!
Just remember to:
- Eat a nutrient dense diet
- Manage stress
- Maintain an active lifestyle
- Get meaningful sleep
- Avoid exposure to toxins
- Limit alcohol intake
- Don’t smoke
- Avoid processed sugar
- Limit caffeine intake
- Make sure your zinc levels are optimal
You can do it! =) Also, don't forget to check out my article on The Best Herbs for Fertility in Women and The Best Herbs for Fertility in Men!
Check out these other articles on fertility for some great tips and insight:
How to Boost Fertility with Essential Oils
Maca Chocolate Pots De Creme (libido & fertility enhancing!)
How to Get Pregnant Naturally
Patty Deters says
I would love to know if there is any essential oils that that help clear scar tissue from my inside of fallopian tubes? If so which ones and how many drops each and what days can apply through out my cycle? Thank you so much for your help.
Tash says
Hi, Patty!
I haven't come across any essential oils that treat internal scar tissue but I do know of a supplement called serrapeptase that is known to break up scar tissue. I recommend looking into it to see if it is right for you since I am not a doctor. 🙂
Angela says
Hi Tash,
We are due to start our 3rd cycle of ivf with donor eggs.
I have andenomyosis and was wondering if you could recommend oils to help?
Tash says
Hi, Angela!
I also have endo and have had good results using a supplement called serrapeptase to help break up and remove excess endo scar tissues. I would look into it and speak with a doctor before use.
Heather says
Hi! We have done several rounds of IVF and know our issues is my husbands sperm looks perfect but is missing the enzyme to break through the egg, I would love to hear your suggestions on which oils to use!
Tash says
Hi Heather!
My knowledge on this is a bit limited, but I recommend looking into the following:
Have your husband's zinc levels checked - zinc is really important for the formation of the acrosome enzyme and many men are actually low in this vital mineral.
Make sure he isn't using echinacea too frequently as it can impair sperm function is taken frequently and in large amounts.
And lastly, if you want to try a more natural route, find yourself a good Chinese Medicine practitioner in your area. They may be able to give your husband an herbal protocol that can strengthen his sperm and perhaps even help with his specific issue.
Sorry I can't be of more help! Best of luck! 🙂
Liz says
What a wonderful article/post, thank you so much for all your information!
I haven't had all the tests, so I don't know my levels, but hoping you can help me.
I have PCOS, have just finished 12 months with a Mirena in to reverse a grade 1 endometrial lining cancer, which it has been successful removing/killing. Still have the Mirena in to keep the progesterone levels up to stop the cancer coming back. Will be looking at starting IVF or some sort of assisted fertility in the near future. Wondering if you can suggest oils I might use to aid in getting pregnant. At this point I'm not getting a period (Mirena), but for the year prior to the cancer being detected I was the most regular with my period and possible ovulation than ever before in my life.
Hope you can help 🙂 Thanks again for such a great site!
Tash says
Hi Liz!
How is your ovulation now? Have you used ovulation test strips before? I highly recommend trying them out (you can get them for a reasonable price on Amazon) to see if you are actually ovulating. If you are, that's great! If not, then you can start using essential oils (clary sage and geranium come to mind) 🙂
I also recommend that you check out my post on how to treat PCOS with essential oils to see which EOs align with your needs.
dominique says
i always wanted to make bath bombs with fertility treatments and natural herbs for women with pcos ,infertility doing research for the best herbs to use in bath bombs
Melissa says
Hello... I was wondering if by any chance you would sell the fertility blend oil ?
Tash says
Hi Mellisa!
I currently don't sell any blends. Sounds like an idea though! Maybe someday in the future!
Prof.kishan c. Gupta says
Very informative
Sarah Thackeray says
Fantastic information
Thank you
Tash says
You're very welcome Sarah! <3
Holly says
Can you tell me which oils is best to help with low semen count , mobility and possibly low testosterone? Also how many drops of the oils and how much carrier oil.
Tash says
Hi Holly!
Try this:
Catty says
Thank you for your article, but how many drops of each oil should i use?
Tash says
Hi Catty!
What are you looking to achieve? I can better help you with specific drops that way 🙂
catty says
Hi, my friend and her husband have all the problems together, low sperm, problems with the period, age. I am preparing the two recipes for male and female fertility blends to start.
Larabeth says
What oils do you suggest for High FSH and Very low AMH? I am doing acupuncture and chinese herbs as well.
Tash says
Hi Larabeth!
I've been looking into this and I haven't been able to find anything about which essential oils can lower FSH levels or raise AMH levels. I'm thinking that the Chinese herbs (as well as avoiding cold foods - based on Chinese medicine) and the acupuncture are definitely good places to start! I'm so sorry I couldn't fins anything concrete regarding the oils, I'll keep researching though! I'm planning on writing another fertility post, but it's going to take a while since there is SO much info to include in it.
Best of luck! 🙂
Kamal says
Hi Tash, Thanks for your fruitful advice. I have been married for 3 years and still no kids. I and my wife have problems. My problem is sperm mobility is and is so weak and my wife's hormones are very low...what is your opinion? Thanks in advance.
Tash says
Hi Kamal!
I'm sorry to hear about your struggles! Could you fill me in a bit more on your lifestyle? Exercise, diet, sleep habits, current health? 🙂
Carrie says
My cycles are regular, my reserve is low as expected for a 40 year old but not too low he says. Dr says my stumbling block is I show an lh surge but I'm not releasing eggs/ovulating on my own. I've never had issues getting pregnant before, until we lost a daughter in the 5th month of my pregnancy 1.5 years ago. Does anything naturally help like the clomid and Femara do
Tash says
Hi Carrie!
So sorry to hear about your struggles! Have you ever tried seed cycling before? I've written about it here. It might be something to look into as it naturally helps your body regulate hormones. Have you been diagnosed with any fertility issue yet?
Sher says
Hi Tash,
You have a great blog.
I have high LH level as tested by the lab. May I know what oil blend should I use to regulate my LH level?
Tash says
Hi Sher!
Do you by chance know why your LH levels are high (there are quite a few reasons which is why I can't give suggestions right away)? The best essential oils will be those that treat the root cause of the issue 🙂
Paula says
Will any EOs help with a fatty liver? Will detoxing the liver help?
Tash says
Hi Paula!
Along with some healthy lifestyle practices, you can use celery seed, helichrysum, grapefruit, or ledum essential oil to help support a healthy liver 🙂
Marissa says
Thank u for all ur help and wonderful info I have a 28 day cycle and typically ovulate on day 14. When should I start using the fertility blend and the stagnant liver mixture. After I ovulate do I start the progesterone mixture?
Tash says
Hi Marissa!
The Progesterone mixture should start 12 days after the FIRST day of your period until the first day of your next period. Repeat.
You can start using the fertility blend at any time and use it daily as well as the congested liver blend 🙂
J C says
Do you recommend the white thyme, or the red thyme for increasing progesterone levels?
Tash says
Hi JC!
It looks like both red and white thyme have progesterone increasing effects 🙂 I use Thymus vulgaris.
Nataile says
I really loved this post, it was super informative and it corroborates well with what my TCM doctor here in China recommended for me. I used this post as a reference on hormones on my blog The Mindful Oiler if you'd like to check it out 🙂 https://themindfuloiler.wordpress.com/
Lisa says
Would it be dangerous to keep applying the fertility blend (until you get your period) if you don't realize or know that you concieved? I don't want there to be any possibility of it harming the baby if I apply it after possible conception.
Tash says
Hi Lisa!
The oils below are generally regarded as safe for use during a healthy pregnancy but it's also important to use your best judgement. The best rule of thumb for safety is to use these oils during the first two weeks of your cycle from the first day of your period to ovulation. Best of luck!
Judit says
Hi Tash, is it ok if I add a few drops of grapefruit and orange oil to the thyme/ marjoram mix to massage over my liver before bed? I like the smell better with that. Thanks.
Tash says
Hi Judit!
Yes! That is totally fine to do! Let us know how it works out 🙂
Teresa says
I've read on other sites that rose otto is not safe during pregnancy/after ovulation. What do you know about that? I've been using it in apricot kernel oil for my skin and really like its effects.
Tash says
Hi Theresa!
Rose otto has an astonishing effect on the female sexual organs as a regulating and purifying agent. It is also a strong uterine tonic which is why is is not recommended for pregnancy. The only reason it is not recommended after ovulation is if you conceive 🙂
Lori Ridgeway says
Hi, do you know anything that would help PCOS? I've changed my diet and have used EOs the last 9 months, but haven't found what combination will help.
Tash says
Hi Lori!
From what I know these are the essential oils that can help with PCOS:
Add these oils to 2TB of carrier oil (I think a roll-on bottle would work great for this) and apply it to your abdomen once a day. This should improve your chances for ovulation to occur 🙂
Mary says
Hi! I have long cycles normally that have now become irregular too, post ivf (for male factor) and an ectopic. what blends would you recommend to get me regular and back on track again? And when during my cycle should I use them? Thanks! I made the generic recipe for my husband already 🙂
Meredith says
Hi! Thank you so much for this article!! You have no idea how helpful it was to me. 🙂 I was wondering what EO you would recommend to replace the Roman Chamomile to help balance hormones (more specifically raise progesterone levels)...that EO is currently unavailable by many distributors. Thank you!!
Tash says
Hi Meredith!
Clary Sage is one of my favorite hormone balancing essential oils and is a good substitute if you're trying to raise progesterone. Best of luck! 🙂
MaryP says
Hi Tash,
I know my progesterone is low, I was wondering though, is it a good idea to do a time of the liver stagnation blend first and then switch to the thyme oil at night on the liver or can I do them simultaneously? Thanks!
Tash says
Hi Mary!
You can definitely alternate the oils if you like. Thyme is a "hot" oil so if you do use them simultaneously I would do a patch test first to make sure it feels ok. Definitely dilute it with carrier oil 🙂 If it feels fine then yes, you can use them at the same time.
amy says
Hi I was wondering what would help for decreasing prolactin levels, helping thyroid tsh levels, and help with low progesterone and lh hormone? And is there a specific time during my cycle i should be using and not using them? My fsh is normal but its the later part of the cycle that is abnormal (my lh i believe is off and have a prolactinoma making me not ovulate). TIA!
Tash says
Hi Amy!
I just wrote an article today about herbs for fertility here that might give you a little more insight. Have you tried taking vitex berry or maca? these herbs help increase the LH hormone. Vitex also helps with your pituitary issue. Wild yam cream helps increase progesterone. Have you had any tests done?
Kristena says
Hi Tash, I was wondering if there is a comparable EO for marjoram, right as of now I don't have it and I wanted to do the progesterone blend. TIA. BTW - This is one of the best and most put together/thoughtful websites on essential oils and fertility I have come across! Thank you so much for what you are doing!
Tash says
Hi Kristena!
I'm so happy that you have found this article helpful! 🙂 I would try substituting oregano EO for marjoram. It has similar qualities and should help increase progesterone! Best of luck <3
Sandrah says
Hi Tash, Thanks for this incredible blog. I was wondering if I can use citrus bliss instead of Mandarin? And is Sweet orange same as wild orange? All these are in the category of liver stagnation blend. So I have bergamot, grapefruit, wild orange and citrus bliss. Is that okay to use this oil blends?
Sandrah says
I Tash, I was wondering if I can do liver stagnation with the combinations of Bergamot, Grapefruit, Wild Orange and Geranium? And is it okay to continue taking Frankincense oil, Ylang Ylang oil and Thyme while I detoxify everyday?
Tash says
Hello again!
You can definitely use the oils while you detox just keep in mind that sometimes they can strengthen the detox. And yes, you can use those oils for liver stagnation 🙂 Best of luck!
Tash says
Hi Sandrah!
I would try the citrus bliss and see how it works for you. It has mandarin in it so you should be able to get a similar effect.
Sweet orange and wild orange essential oils are the same yes 🙂
You should be good to go with your blend <3
Molly says
Any suggestions for oils to help trigger ovulation?
Tash says
Hi Molly!
Have you had your oestrogen (the group of hormones responsible for ovulation) levels checked? There are tons and tons of reasons your body may not be ovulating like stress, low body fat, lots of exercise, poor sleep, unhealthy eating, weight loss, and coming off the pill or other hormone medications. Essential oils can help with ovulation, but I need more insight on what the underlying cause may be 🙂
Tepy says
I would like to know the essential oil treating light periods. My periods is really light and last for 2 days. This has been a year now and i have been ttc for almost 2 yeas and have no luck. Thanks
Tash says
Hi Tepy!
Are you ovulating? Woman can still have periods (even light ones) and not ovulate. I would look into making sure you are actually releasing an egg every month to be sure. Your doctor can help you with this 🙂
Also, think about what may be causing you to have light periods. Is it stress, exercise, weight loss, hormone medications, trauma, poor sleep? There are so many things that can disrupt our hormones. Once we know the root cause, essential oils can be put into play. Hope this gives you some insight 🙂
Maja says
Thank you for this great article!I was wondering if I could replace basil with holy basil in the Female fertility blend, and what could I replace cypress with, as it is contraidicated with endometriosis. Thanks a million!
Tash says
Hi Maja!
Holy basil has a different therapeutic profile than regular basil so I think you would benefit better by using bergamot instead. Lavender also has similar qualities but not as strong. As for the cypress (thanks for the great info!) you can try cedarwood instead. I hope this helps!
Maja says
Thank you, Tash, for the suggestions! Well, I am not sure about the cypress completely yet; I found a few references that it stimulates estrogen secretion (Battaglia). Although according to Tisserand only fennel, anise and black spruce should be avoided. Worwood includes cypress in her endo blends though, so it's really a tough call.
Tash says
No problem Maja! 🙂
I'll have to pick up Tisserand's book since it sounds like he's got some good info. I may have endometriosis so this was very insightful. I have Salvatore and Battaglia's Complete Guide to Aromatherapy book and it says that clary sage, roman chamomile, cyress, sweet fennel, geranium, nutmeg, rose otto, and rose absolute are beneficial oils for endo...HMMMMMMmmmm. Now I'm interested to look further into this!
jessica says
I have endometriosis! Have you learned anything new?!
Tash says
Hi Jessica!
Honestly, the best thing I have learned is that you have to eat clean food and avoid everything you react to. If I eat a variety of really clean foods, especially mineral-rich sources, my cramps are much more manageable. The herbs and essential oils help, but it really comes down to diet. I will be writing a post on Endometriosis soon to delve more into my findings 🙂
Amy says
In the article for unexplained female infertility it is recommended to apply the oils over the liver. When you say over the liver, does that mean over the liver vita flex point or actually over the liver on your body?
Tash says
You can put it on both! Even just putting it on the bottoms of the feet will have an effect.
Best of luck!
Megan says
Thank you for posting custom fertility blends. I can not wait to make a few of them. I was wondering how many drops of each oil would I use for the cervical mucus blend.
Tash says
Hi Megan!
For 1 oz of carrier oil add:
10 drops frankincense
10 drops cedar wood
10 drops geranium
5 drops lemon eucalyptus
5 drops cardamom
4 drops rose otto
This one should smell interesting 😉 Also, you may want to research using a progesterone cream, I've heard good things about it!
Jenna says
Hi! I'm wondering about all of it. If mix a general roll on for everything - progesterone, uterine health, ovarian health, and cervical mucus - is that possible? And would I then Roll it on my feet, ankles, and possibly abdominal areas?
Thank you so much!!
Tash says
Hi Jenna!
These blends are specific for what they are supporting. This means that they are synergystic blends and work best alone as they are. It's unfortunate, but true. They just won't work as well mixed together. If you make separate roll ons, you could apply each one to a different area like feet and other vita flex points.
Best of luck! 🙂
Taylor says
Would you recommend the thyme /marjoram for increased progesterone all month or after ovulation?
Tash says
You would use them 12 days AFTER the first day of your period until your period starts again. This supports the natural cycle of our hormones. 🙂
Eyka says
I am still breastfeeding and haven't gotten my period yet. I am hoping to wean soon, because I really would like to get pregnant in late summer/early fall.
My daughter is 21 months old, so I kept hoping that my cycle would return and I wouldn't have to wean, but it seems like I will not be that lucky.
What oil regimen would you recommend to kickstart my fertility? I bought clary sage and was going to apply a few drops a day to my feet and ankles. What else should I be doing?
Tash says
Hi Eyka!
Once you wean your period should kick back in. Using liver supporting herbs like turmeric (taken with a meal) and milk thistle will also allow your body to get those hormones back in balance. As for EOs Sage, anise, fennel, yarrow, geranium, and clary sage are known to balance and support hormones so I would give those a go. Follow the chart in my article and apply the EOs you choose on the appropriate ankle points. Everyone is different, and hormones are VERY complicated. There are so many factors that influence our hormones and there is no sure fire way to balance them that works for everyone. Just remember that the liver an important roll in the world of fertility support.
I would NOT use any of these suggestions until you stop breastfeeding as there is no research that proves their safety.
Best of luck 🙂
jennifer says
Hi! I am wondering if there are any oils specifically for lowering FSH levels and improving egg quality. I am 45. Thanks!! Love all this awesome information!
Tash says
Hi Jennifer!
After a lot of research I found that EOs like mandarin, grapefruit, sweet orange, ylang ylang, lavender, neroli, rose, chamomile, clary sage, vetiver, sandalwood, and frankincense all have the ability to support healthy eggs.
Best of luck!
Kris says
Hi there! This is the most amazingly written blog I've ever read on natural fertility help. Thank you. Do you have any blend ideas for low motility in men?
Tash says
Hi Kris!
Thank you for your lovely comment!
You could try Sage, fennel, lavender, myrtle, peppermint, and blue yarrow in a roll on (6 drops each) and apply it to the outside of the feet around the ankle. Of course, investigating any liver stagnation is a good place to start too along with diet 🙂
Katie says
Hi. For the Female Fertility Blend: during what part of my cycle should I be applying it? throughout? Or just after ovulation? Thanks!
Tash says
Hi Katie!
Typically, you would start on day 12 of your cycle. Day one is the first day of your period, so count 12 days from that. Stop when you start your period the next cycle and repeat. You can keep using this method as long as you need to, but not while pregnant. Hope this helps!
Tammy says
i was wondering, for the general hormone balancing mixture you said to use it on the last day of your period so my question is how long do I need to do it for? till the next period starts or?
Tash says
Hi Tammy!
Count 12 days from day ONE of your period. On the 12th day, begin using the hormone balancing mixture until the FIRST day of your next period. Repeat! 🙂
Stephanie says
Hi, Can you do the general hormone balancing while pregnant?
Tash says
Hi Stephanie!
I would wait until after nursing to work on hormones. This is because I don't know what effect any type of hormonal protocol would have on a developing baby. Best of luck though 🙂
Alyssa says
Hi Tash, thank you for all the info! I'm wondering how much of the male and female fertility blend to put on our ankles and bottoms of feet. thank you!
Tash says
Hi Alyssa!
I usually put the blend in a roll on. Fill the roll on with fractionated coconut oil (always stays liquid) and add your essential oils. I then roll this on the bottoms of my feet in 3 swipes and 1 swipe on each ankle 🙂
Trish says
How many drops of geranium, cedar wood, juniper and ginger to enhance kidney Q1? In how much carrier oil?
Tash says
Hi Trish!
For 1 oz of carrier oil I would use:
12 drops of geranium
10 drops of cedar wood
10 drops of juniper
3-5 drops of ginger
Hope this helps! 🙂
Megan says
Can you tell me how much of each oil you would use for the stagnant liver blend? And in how much carrier oil?
Tash says
Hi Megan!
In one oz of carrier oil add:
10 drops of bergamot
10 drops of grapefruit
12 drops of mandarin
12 drops of sweet orange
Be sure to use proper sun protection if used during the day as this blend can make your skin sensitive to sunlight. It's great to use at night though because this is the time were your liver really gets to cleansing 🙂
Jenna says
First off, I am so so so happy to have found your site! This brings me so much hope to have alternative ways to help promote healthy fertility.
For the Stagnant Liver oils, should I have a blend containing all of the oils listed, or can I pick and choose and create my own? Like can I just create one consisting of only Sweet Orange and Mandarin and still have a positive effect?
Thanks much!
Tash says
Hi Jenna!
You can use whatever oils you have that are listed. Just remember, citrus oil can make you photosensitive, so be sure to use proper sun protection 🙂
Mary says
I have long cycles normally, and now irregular cycles after ivf treatments (for male factor) and an ectopic. When and which oils should I use to help regulate my cycle again?
Tash says
Hi Mary!
Tarragon is a really great essential oil for regulating the menstrual cycle. I'm really not sure if this will interfere with your ivf treatments so make sure to do some research before using EOs that increase estrogen. Typically, you would use tarragon (a phytoestrogenic essential oil) to kick-start the body’s natural hormone production. I would recommend finding out if you need to up any specific hormones that are too low after your ivf treatments, then possibly look into the EOs that enhance the hormones you are lacking.
Best of luck! 🙂
sogol says
Thank so much for the reply!!! I love your site!!! Great job can't wait to try your blend!!! X
sogol says
Hi if I wanted to do the blend for the uterine health how much of each oil must I use as it is not stated to 50ml (1.7oz) of carier oil
Essential Oils for Uterine Health-
• Frankincense
• Geranium
• Lemon
• Melaleuca
• Myrrh
• Sweet Orange
Tash says
Hi Sogol!
I would do 10 drops Frankincense, 15 drops geranium, 10 drops lemon, 10 drops melaleuca, 10 myrrh, and 15 drops sweet orange =)