Are You a Wellness Warrior?
So you’ve begun your journey to vibrant health by eating more fruits and vegetables, getting more sleep, and exercising more, but what comes next? These 12 tips every wellness warrior strives for should be next on your list!
1. Dry Brushing
Feeling sluggish, groggy, and unmotivated to get moving? Your lymphatic system could be the culprit. Dry Brushing is one of the best ways to stimulate lymph drainage and get things circulating properly. Your skin will become smooth, you’ll get an even skin tone (no more blotchy legs!), and you’ll get rid of cellulite! What’s not to love amiright? Learn how to dry brush HERE.
Here’s where to buy a dry brush.
2. Homemade Body Care
Have you looked at the ingredients on some of your favorite body care products lately? Chances are they’re full of unpronounceable ingredients that are less than beautifying. The toxic slurry of body care products we slather on every day is staggering! Just think about all of the things you put on your body in a single day. For women, this can equal hundreds of different chemicals going into the blood stream and liver which can cause hormonal imbalance and acne.
To avoid the toxic overload, try making your own skincare products out of natural ingredients.
You can find tons of great recipes HERE.
3. Homemade Household Cleaning Materials
Just like body care products, household cleaners can easily get inhaled or absorbed into the skin. To prevent these chemicals from disrupting hormones, causing allergic reactions, or causing skin ailments, it’s best to begin making your own.
You’ll surprised by how effective these homemade cleaning products can be with just a few ingredients, plus they’re fun to make since they’re so customizable not to mention really cheap.
You can find some great recipes HERE.
4. Lemon Water
Drinking fresh lemon water every morning will boost your digestion, flush the liver and kidneys, freshen breath, and alkalize the body. Read more about why you should be including fresh lemon water into your morning routine HERE.
5. Herbal Tonics
One of the best ways to boost immunity, fight degenerative illness, and lengthen longevity is by incorporating herbal tonics into your diet. What is an herbal tonic? To put it simply, an herbal tonic is usually a strong tea made from an herb that is safe for everyone to use, deeply nourishing, and has specific healing properties that encourage calm reactions to stress.
Taking herbal tonics everyday will allow you to react to stressful situations in the best way possible. Who doesn’t want that? And since stress is the main cause for many ailments, incorporating an herbal tonic could be the best thing for your health.
Some herbs that are considered to be herbal tonics include:
• Chaga Mushroom
• Reishi Mushroom
• Goji Berries
• Ginseng
• Siberian Ginseng
• Ashwagandha
• Schisandra Berries
6. Super Foods
Super Foods are powerhouses when it comes to nutrition and they’re so easy to just throw into shakes, smoothies, and juices. Even though a healthy diet cannot be substituted by super foods, they are still an excellent addition to consider for added vitamins and minerals. Some super foods are hormone balancing, energizing, alkalizing, or even adaptogenic (helps you deal with stress!).
Want to rev up your fresh apple juice? Add in some goji berry powder. (where to buy goji berry powder)
Want to add more nutrients and B vitamins to your homemade popcorn? Add Spirulina and Nutritional Yeast.
Need an extra pick me up? Add some maca to your tea or coffee. (you can buy maca here)
Want some extra fruits and veggies? Add some green powder to your smoothies. (this is my favorite green powder)
The possibilities for reaching new heights of health are endless.
7. Fermented Foods
If you haven’t jumped on the fermented foods band wagon you’re missing out! Not only do fermented foods taste great, they’re super good for you! Eating them with every meal will increase the bioavailability of food, improve digestion, and boost immunity.
Some fermented foods to consider are:
• Sour Kraut
• Kimchi
• Milk Kefir
• Water Kefir
• Kombucha
• Beet Kvass
• Homemade pickles
• Fermented condiments
And many more! You can read about my top picks for fermented foods for clear skin HERE.
8. Herbal Bitters
If you get intestinal gurgling after eating meals or have generally poor digestion, you should consider taking an herbal bitter before every meal. The bitter flavor will stimulate the release of bile so that you can digest food optimally and with little discomfort or embarrassment. The important part here is TASTING the bitterness. Don’t try to skimp out on this one. If you don’t take a moment to TASTE the bitterness, it isn’t going to work for you, but for those who do take the time and suck it up (I know bitter flavors aren’t the greatest) you will reap the awesome benefits these handy herbs have to offer.
Making an herbal bitter yourself is easy, and I will be writing an article on how to do it very soon. In the meantime, you can buy herbal bitters HERE.
9. Bone Broth
Now just a great tasting base for soups and other recipes, bone broth is beautifying! Yes, it’s true! Drinking bone broth provides large amounts of wholesome gelatin and collagen, both of which with create healthy and gorgeous hair, skin, and nails. Forget buying “collagen enhanced” skin care products, THIS is where it’s at girls!
Have brittle hair and nails? Drink bone broth!
Is your skin dry, dull, and lifeless? Drink bone broth!
Have a soft tissue injury that won’t heal completely? Drink bone broth!
You get the idea. This stuff is amazing and everyone you want to stay healthy, bright, mobile, and young looking should be making this stuff.
Learn how to make it HERE. You can also learn how to make slow cooker bone broth HERE.
10. Clean Water
I’m not just talking about drinking water here (which is also important), but also about the water you’re bathing in. Did you know that ⅔ of harmful chlorine exposure happens while you shower? Have you noticed that you need lotion before your skin is fully dry after bathing? Yep. That’s chlorine sapping the natural moisture from your skin. It also dries your hair out and causes your liver to have to deal with the excess overload of chlorine in your body when it should be focusing on other detox processes.
Switching to a shower filter will limit exposure by up to 91% depending on the one you get. Once you try a shower filter, you’ll never go back once you feel how silky soft your skin and hair become.
You can buy a shower filter HERE.
11. Homemade Food Items
Have you ever considered making your own sauces, condiments, and snacks? It’s a wholesome way to sneak in extra nutrients (especially if they’re fermented first) into your diet. Sure, store bought ketchup is convenient, but have you ever tasted the glorious flavor of homemade ketchup? If you have, you know what I’m talking about! And homemade mayo? Who would have thought something could actually taste so good and be good for you!
And guess what? You can make these for pennies on the dollar and they’re healthier, more wholesome, tastier, and just plain fun to make. So why not give it a try?
Making your own snacks is great too because they will be devoid of harmful additives, artificial coloring and flavorings, and useless fillers. Making your own crackers, breads, gummies, hummus, etc. with give you the power over what goes in and what doesn’t.
Find out how to make 40 healthy snacks HERE and food swaps for better health HERE!
12. Enemas
Yep, we’re going there, and as unpleasant as enemas sound, they really do make a huge difference in your health and well-being by removing built up toxins very quickly. Enemas have even been known to bring down a fever, get rid of a headache, help detox the body, and relieve insomnia.
If you go a step further and use coffee in place of water for an enema, it has been known to increase bile flow for better digestion and increases relaxation, energy, better mood, mental clarity, and more meaningful sleep. Just keep in mind that if you choose to use coffee for your enemas that you must replenish your electrolytes to stay balanced.
For most people, doing 1 enema per day to enhance detox is usually fine. However, you can even feel a vast improvement doing an enema once per week. You can buy an enema bag HERE.
Incorporating these 12 things will have you well on your way to vibrant health!
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