I’ve been on a journey to balancing my hormones after an experiment gone wrong with a particular progesterone cream. If you checked out my last post on hormone balancing, you would know that I’ve been diving into something called seed cycling; a way to use the natural estrogenic effects of nuts and seeds in tandem with the phases of the moon, to reestablish hormonal balance. It might sound a bit woo woo but I promise it’s a real thing!
So far I think I’ve noticed a few changes, but I’ll wait until I’ve finished my 90-day trial to get into the nitty gritty of what’s been happening. What I will say though is I think it’s working!
A Quick Rundown on Seed Cycling
Historically, a woman’s cycle is closely linked with the phases of the moon. Menstruation would start on the new moon and ovulation would happen on the full moon.
Seed cycling uses specific seeds with hormone balancing properties that emulate this naturally occurring cycle of the moon.
During the Follicular Phase which covers the first day of your period through ovulation (new moon through full moon), ground flax seeds and pumpkin seeds are consumed daily to help balance out excess estrogen. The omega-3 fatty acids in these seeds aid the body in transmitting hormones throughout the body easily, while the high zinc content of pumpkin seeds prevent estrogen from converting to harmful forms of testosterone. They also prepare the body for progesterone release.
During the Luteal Phase from ovulation until the first day of your next period (full moon to new moon), ground sunflower seeds and sesame seeds are consumed to raise and balance out progesterone levels. The rich source of linoleic acid in these seeds helps prevent excess estrogen from being recirculated in the body and further balances progesterone and estrogen levels.
Seed cycling for three or more months straight is said to rebalance your menstrual cycle, lessen painful cramps, lessen heavy bleeding, improve mood, clear acne, ease PMS, and alleviate PCOS and Endometriosis symptoms.
Can You Eat Other Nuts and Seeds While Seed Cycling?
One thing I’ve come across while seed cycling is whether or not you can enjoy other nuts and seeds besides the pumpkin/flax and sunflower/sesame during treatment. Many of us enjoy our nut butters, seed crackers, and a handful of nuts as a snack on the go, but can you enjoy these without hampering your results?
From what I can find, most tree nuts are fairly hormone neutral. I’ve gathered some info on how many micrograms of phytoestrogens are present in 100 grams (4oz) of raw nuts.
• Almonds - 112
• Brazil nuts - 887
• Cashews - 182
• Hazelnut - 80
• Macadamia nuts – I couldn’t find this information anywhere
• Peanuts - 173
• Pecans - 51
• Pistachios - 126
• Pine nuts - 103
• Walnuts – 175
As you can see, brazil nuts have a much higher phytoestrogen content than other tree nuts. In fact, if you are allergic to sunflower or sesame seeds, eating 2 brazil nuts may be an effective alternative along with taking pumpkin seeds for the zinc since we know zinc helps the body release progesterone. You would also need to take a source of linoleic acid (typically this is safflower oil) to further emulate the balance created by sunflower and sesame seeds. This linoleic acid is essential because it converts into gamma linoleic acid which is crucial for keeping estrogen and progesterone in balance.
Unless you are very hormonally sensitive, it would be alright to eat other nuts in moderation especially pecans and hazelnuts as they contain the lowest phytoestrogen content.
Seeds, on the other hand, can have quite a bit of phytoestrogens present and should be consumed mindfully while seed cycling. However, you would not want to eat sunflower and sesame seeds during the follicular phase of your cycle just as you would not want to eat pumpkin seeds and flax during your luteal phase.
Here is the phytoestrogen content of popular seeds:
• Pumpkin seeds – 539
• Sunflower seeds - 111
• Chia seeds – trace amounts
• Flax seeds – 23
• Hemp seeds – I couldn’t find a definitive answer on this, but many sources say hemp seeds alter hormones and should be avoided during treatment.
Many seeds also contain a lot of lignans which bind to excess estrogen and block it. If you are someone with low estrogen levels to begin with, this could cause a lot of trouble.
Here are seeds with the most lignans in micrograms/100g (4oz) of raw seeds:
• Flax seeds - 301,129
• Sesame seed – 39,348
• Sunflower seed - 891
• Poppy seeds – 10
• Chia seeds – multiple sources say chia seeds do not contain a rich source of lignans. Based on this, I advise you not to replace flaxseeds in your protocol with chia seeds as others have claimed)
Can You Eat Other Nuts and Seeds While Seed Cycling? - My Thoughts
It’s been incredibly difficult to find extensive information on this topic, but what I can say is it would be best not to indulge in too many nuts and seeds while seed cycling. If your diet requires overt fats, avocados and coconut oil are great options to use until your hormones are balanced. Even then, consuming too many nuts and seeds could alter your hard earned results.
What do you think? Has eating other nuts and seeds while seed cycling affected your results? Please let me know in the comments!
Be sure to check out the posts below for more information!
Seed Cycling for Hormone Balance
Candice says
I've been seed cycling for 2 months now and I've noticed a decrease in pain as well as a lighter period, however, after a few days into the second phase I've started getting a ridiculous amount of acne. Do you have any recommendations to substituting or reducing the amount of sesame and sunflower seeds? I suppose it will take some experimenting to see if I'm being affected by the sesame or sunflower seeds.
Rukshana says
I decided to leave the pill after 13 years. I decided to start seed cycling but I didn't start on the day of the new moon. I however got my period back 6 weeks later .By then I was to start the sesame and sunflower seeds. But seeing I was on day 1 of my cycle I decided to continue with pumpkin and flax seeds. Was this the right thing to do? Please advise
Jessia says
THANK YOU!!! I've done seed cycling in the past, but due to a sesame seed allergy, never knew how to replace that. But I'm am still confused which phase it would be ok to have some almonds during vs best to keep to a minimum or avoid?
Nadia says
Can I switch the sunflower seeds for chia instead?
I hope you reply and see this soon.
Thank you!
Hana says
I’m trying to do seed cycling but I’m allergic to sesame
Can I replace it ?
Jannat says
What should i use instead of sunflower seeds ? Em enable to find them nearby me plz reply
Heather says
Hey, I am trying this to help balance my hormones. I was wondering if after the 28 days you start over or do you wait til your next cycle. I tend to go 6 weeks between cycles. Do I wait or just start over?
Tash says
You start over 🙂
Alicia says
I am intolerant to peanuts, almonds and cashews so I have to eat sunflower butter. I also eat a higher fat diet so I eat sunflower butter daily, is this okay while seed cycling?
Tash says
If the sunflower seed butter is made from roasted or dried sunflower seeds, it will have a minor effect. If the seed butter is made with raw seeds, it will act the same as the raw seeds you use for cycling and may throw things off balance.
Kayley says
Hello. I am someone who has PCOS (although I must admit I diagnosed myself considering I don't go to the doctor). I mean I've looked up symptoms and it all points to PCOS. Anyway, I am someone who will go two years without a period! So I just know my hormones are obviously out of wack without going to the doctor because that is so not normal! Anyway I seen something to help PCOS was taking 1-2 TBs daily of flax seed, but on my bag of ground flaxseed, the serving size says 1/4 cup (so that would be 4 TBs) so I was thinking what would be wrong with taking the serving size. Anyway, I've been doing that for a few days and actually seen slight blood and I was shocked after never seeing anything! Makes me think seeds can actually work and I came across seed cycling (as i like to think there's natural remedies for things) and am very interested and clearly need it! I was wondering if my condition (never having a period) is so bad that I should do more than one TB of each seed like it calls for here or should increase it to two TB of each seed? Oh, by the way if it matters I am 24 years old and believe my PCOS worsened over the years since I was at least 17 Years old. Is one TBs of each seed enough for anyone, even if their condition is as bad as never having a period vs. Someone that is only a little off on theirs?
Sorry for the super long comment! Hope to hear from you soon!
Tash says
Hi Kayley!
It sounds like your hormones may be quite low. Have you ever gotten them tested? It would give you a lot of useful insight on which hormones are deficient. Taking more seeds can be fine, but make sure to keep track of how much you are taking and create a journal on every change you notice. I would recommend staying within the serving size for now. You can try taking the extra seeds for a few months and see what results you get 🙂
Kayley says
Yeah my hormones may be low. Honestly I haven't gotten them tested. I never go to a doctor. I considered going to a women's center and getting a pap smear and get my hormones tested (never had any of that done before despite being 24) but when I think about it I'm afraid of going in to get my hormones checked and terrified I will get worse news like cancer! So it just makes me a little paranoid. But anyway, I've been consuming 4 TB of ground flax for over a week now, but no pumpkin seeds because I don't have any. I also these last few days have added maca in my daily routine and hope its working for me well. I actually menstrated for the past 5-7 days after never for two years, can't say how amazed I am! Never knew how awesome seeds are! Thank you so much for sharing about seed cycling!
Tash says
Wow! That's great Kayley! Now, just make sure you follow the cycling as described in the article and switch out the seeds at the appropriate times 🙂 Maca is pretty amazing for hormone balance! Take note on how it affects your body, it may be that you may only need to use it two weeks on and two weeks off.
Emely says
Hey 🙂
I just started looking at the Youtube channel of „Naturipathic Beauty“. She has really good knowledge about balancing hormones. But she is recommending a different approach to seed cycling which is apparently the newest research. You take flax/hemp seeds Days 1-14 and then take sunflower/pumpkin seeds Days 15-period. What do you think of that? Im not sure which one to follow :-/
Tash says
Hi Emely!
Very interesting! I just watched her video on seed cycling. However, all the research I have seen says to take flax and pumpkin seeds in the follicular stage to encourage estrogen production. I can't seem to find anything about pumpkin seeds encouraging progesterone production which is what she is claiming in her video. SOOOooo, I would probably still go with using them in the follicular stage and not the luteal stage. I will continue to look into this! Thank you for the comment 🙂
Emily says
Hi, I have been seed cycling for about 1 week and just started my period. I put freshly ground flax seed in my smoothie this morning and believe I am reacting poorly. I have an itchy mouth, running nose and itchy skin.
I wonder if I am allergic. Do you have a replacement for flax seeds? Or would you just stick with pumpkin seeds during the follicular phase?
Tash says
Hi Emily!
You can try doubling the pumpkin seeds 🙂 You could also try cashews. You basically want a nut or seeds that is high in lignans so that it helps block estrogen.
Anjana says
Hi Tash, what happens if we consume all of pumpkin, flax, sunflower and sesame throughout the month?
Tash says
Hi Anjana!
If you consume them all throughout the month you might be elevating all hormones at once. Depending on what your personal levels are, I'm not sure that this is going to be very helpful!
B says
I just came across your blog! I am so looking forward to reading your future posts about your seed cycling journey, as my naturopath just prescribed this regimen to me! Thanks for all the information!
Tash says
Hi B!
I am still on my journey! My hormones are so out of wack lately that it's taking time, but I am seeing improvements! 🙂 Best of luck on your journey!
swapna bhaskaruni says
Can we use flax seed oil, pumpkin seed oil and sesame and sunflower oils instead of seeds for seed cycling
Tash says
Hi Swapna!
if the oils are raw and cold pressed then I think you could!