There’s just a little something special about the oil cleansing method. Sure, it sounds totally opposite of what someone would do to clean their face, remove makeup, or even clear their skin. If there’s one thing that singles out the OCM from all the rest it’s that it works!
I haven’t come across too many people who haven’t been able to refine and define their personal oil cleansing method. Whether it be tweaking oil recipes and ratios or just switching to a different cleansing cloth, the OCM has shown itself to be incredibly tolerable for the vast majority of people who try it. Of course, there is always trial, error, and yes, even failure using the OCM, but overall I think you should give it a go if you haven’t already. (you can learn more about the OCM here)
Today I want to talk about how you can bump up your personal oil cleansing method by a notch or two. This is nothing fancy by any means but it really makes a difference depending on your skin type and its specific needs. I have personally really enjoyed formulating my current OCM wash.
The Enhanced Oil Cleansing Method
In order to get the best results and the most benefits, you will first need to find out which skin type you have.
Generally, there are 4 skin types:
• Normal- Smooth, even complexion and texture with very little dryness or oiliness.
• Dry- Dry flaky sometimes scaly skin that feels tight, irritated, and itchy.
• Oily- Shiny skin will a lot of oil production, particularly in the T-zone area. Acne prone.
• Combination- A combination of dry and oily skin. Uneven complexion. Acne Prone.
The next thing to consider is what you are trying to achieve with your skin.
This could be:
• Anti-aging
• Evening out the complexion
• Clearing up acne
• Moisturizing
• Reducing oil production
• Brightening the skin
• Reduce Scarring
*** These are a few basic things most people want for their skin and of course there are many others. Feel free to leave a comment if your skin issue is not covered in this article. I would love to hear from you! =)
Now that you have determined what you want for your skin, you will need to match the right base oils for your skin type to make sure you get the best results possible. Remember, not all oils will work for everyone. You can find out which carrier oils are best for your skin type HERE.
For my formulation, I used equal amounts of rosehip seed oil, argan oil, and jojoba oil as these oils are fantastic for my oily acne prone skin and they also help prevent signs of aging.
Oils to consider for your skin type could be:
• Normal- argan oil, rosehip, jojoba, almond, grapeseed
• Dry- almond, coconut, avocado, argan, rosehip
• Oily- jojoba oil, rosehip, argan, grapeseed, castor oil
• Combination- almond, avocado, argan, rosehip, coconut
• Acne Prone- tamanu oil (used specifically for acne scarring and scarring prevention)
Matching the right oil for your needs is a really important step so don’t skip it!
Essential Oils for The Enhanced Oil Cleansing Method
Once you have found the right mix of base oils you will need to choose essential oils to really get things amped up!
For some reason, I had never considered adding essential oils to my OCM until one day I was missing an acne wash I used to use. Now granted I would never use that toxic wash again, but I still missed the fresh clean feel it gave my skin not to mention the imagery of dying acne bacteria. So what was I missing? Essential oils!
Adding essential oils to your OCM recipe can create all kinds of neat treatments and effects. You can read about the best essential oils for your skin type here.
Some really great essential oils to consider are:
• Anti-aging- rose, geranium, myrrh, patchouli, carrot seed, frankincense
• Evening out the complexion- rose, lavender
• Clearing up acne- tea tree, rosemary, thyme
• Moisturizing- rose
• Oily- Neroli, ylang ylang, geranium, lemon (be sure to use lemon only at night)
• Reducing oil production- rose
• Brightening the skin- lemon, grapefruit
• Reduce scarring and redness- lavender
I chose to go simple so my recipe is just for acne-prone skin.
Here’s how to make it:
What You’ll Need-
• 1 4oz pump bottle
• 2 TB Rosehip seed oil
• 2 TB Argan oil
• 2 TB jojoba oil
• 10 drops Melrose essential oil (a mixture of tea tree and rosemary essential oils. You can get it HERE)
• 1 drop Copaiba essential oil (known to magnify the effects of other essential oils. You can get it HERE)
Loving Preparation- The Enhanced Oil Cleansing Method
• Add each oil to the 4oz bottle using a small funnel if needed
• Next add in the essential oils
• Cap tightly and ROLL the mixture between your hands to mix
[yumprint-recipe id='23'] To Use
• Simply add 1 pump of enhanced OCM oil to your hand and smooth over the skin in a circular motion. Concentrate on trouble areas and anywhere that needs make-up removal.
• Next take a warm damp cloth and gently wipe off the oil
• Feel free to add a few drops of your new EOCM recipe to your hand and use it as a moisturizer. The essential oils will get right work leaving your skin fresh and acne free!
Check out these great OCM articles:
The Oil Cleansing Method
Nitty Gritty on the Oil Cleansing Method | Crunchy Betty
The Oil Cleansing Method: A How-To Guide for Clear, Radiant Skin
Oil Cleansing for Naturally Perfect Skin
Have you ever added essential oils to your OCM recipe?
suhani says
Hi...i love your blog!!! It has been so helpful to me... I have a combination skin type with open pores, pigmentation and scarring. I generally use a mix of tea tree oil. castor and almond you think it is the right combination? I also steam instead of putting a hot towel which is why I ask how often should I be using this method?
Tash says
That combo sounds fine to me 🙂 and the steaming should be okay if it isn't too hot. Listen to your skin and see how it feels. You don't want to dehydrate it.
Kait says
Hello. I have combination skin, and wanted to do a mixture of castor oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, sunflower oil, and pomegranate seed oil. Do you have recommendations of how to proportion these ingredients? I was also planning on adding in essential oils of lavender, geranium, orange, and peppermint.
Thank you for your help!
kerodon says
Hi Tash!
Just started OCMing more seriously this week thanks to your posts giving me the push I needed and I'm 100% sold. It's been such a drastic change for the better even with my basic store-bought Avocado oil and some unrefined hemp oil for the test run.
So now I'm willing to seriously invest in this and share it with friends/family. I finally found super low priced bulk oils on ebay (like from "Cocojojo" for 32oz unrefined pure Argan and Rosehip @ $1/oz and Jojoba @ $0.80/oz!) so I'm planning on making my own OCM cleansers and was thinking of getting the bigger/more cost effective sizes between 32oz - 1gallon and make some bottles as gifts.
I'm planning on following your recipe here because I came to the same conclusion with the 3 base oils. And I'll include the EOs/Tamanu and more specific stuff separately for certain people with different skin concerns.
I wanted to know
1. About how long this 4 oz bottle lasts you if you use it daily as a cleanser? Trying to make I don't buy an unusable amount for the number of people I have to share with within the refrigerated shelf life.
2. Argan + Rosehip + Jojoba are probably the best 3 by a good bit from what I've heard between you and everyone else. Is there any other oils you think would be really worth adding in for the base I'm going to be giving out to multiple people, or should I not bother spending the extra money + diluting it.
(Not limited to these, just what's on my mind: I had my eyes on some pricier stuff like Camellia Seed, Emu, and Abyssinian - and some cheaper stuff like Safflower, Grapeseed, Apricot, Macadamia, and Almond. I know they all have their uses but it's hard to gauge how valuable they are without having used them, and I don't wanna get too excited and go overboard or buy unnecessary stuff just because.)
And just as a side note
I'm beyond impressed with both the amount and the quality of the information, suggestions, and experience you've provided in so many of these posts. Every single one of them was EXACTLY what I was looking for and saved me an immeasurable amount of time (And then a TON of stuff I didn't even know I wanted to know!) I honestly can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Thank you so much
kerodon says
oh + Squalane to the expensive ones I'm eyeing down.
Tash says
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment, kerodon!
It sounds like you're definitely on the right track with the argan, rosehip, and jojoba oils. I think those three are perfect and you really don't need to get fancier than that. A 4 oz bottle will last quite a while! You really don't need much, maybe half a teaspoon or less for each cleansing. I usually just use about 5-6 drops for my whole face. That's AT LEAST a good month of cleansings if you're being heavy-handed.
Good luck with your gift giving! 😀
Maria says
Tash, I just want to thank you for all of your content that has helped me learn about OCM and navigating my hormonal acne. Finding your website was pivotal to me clearing my skin. I never post comments but I always return to your site for a refresher.
Tash says
Thank you, Maria! That means so much to me! :') I so happy that you have found useful information here!
Christina says
What oils and essential oils for rosacea?
Tash says
Check out this post!
Amelia says
Yesterday I tried making my own EOCM mixture from a post similar to this about the base basics but mine did not mix well. When I first used it yesterday, it seemed to almost dry out before I was able to cover my face and was clumping up as I tried to rub it. Tonight I warmed it up to add a bit more oil to see if that was the problem and now it's basically a separated oil disaster! What did I do wrong? I used coconut oil, castor oil, honey, lavender and frankincense oils, baking soda, and turmeric. Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you! Or maybe I should just stick to the basic coconut oil and baking soda mix?
Tash says
Hi Amelia!
I did you by chance use regular coconut oil?
Rachel says
Hi there, my friend recommended your blog and I love the OCM! I have been using hemp seed oil at night to take off makeup and although it's done wonders for my stubborn hyperpigmentation and deeper cystic acne, I still have these tiny bumps that could be blackheads (I'm frankly not sure and I don't want to pick at them) across my cheeks and chin. Does this mean the hemp seed oil is still too comedogenic for me? I now religiously use rosewater after oil cleansing and jojoba oil as my moisturizer and it's been fantastic. Maybe I should try oil cleansing with jojoba oil instead? (I have an oily skin type with shiny forehead, nose and chin with cheeks that tend to get a little dry and flaky). Or should I try using the clay as a scrub?
Tash says
Hi Rachel!
Jojoba oil can cause a purge, but if that happens, clearer skin will follow! It's a but freaky for most people since breaking out is scary, but I just wanted to mention that in case you decide to switch to jojoba oil as your OCM cleanser. One thing you may want to try is mixing a small amount of sugar to your oil and using it to very very gently exfoliate the clogged areas once a week. This can really help dislodge any build-up. I would try that for a few weeks to see if the hemp seed oil really IS what's causing those tiny bumps. How is your skin in regards to hydration? That can also cause tiny bumps when the skin is dehydrated.
Rachel says
Hi Tash-
Quick question, is there such a thing as using too many different EO's? I luckily have a HUGE selection of good quality EO's at my disposal, but I don't want to over do it.
Tash says
Hi Rachel!
I don't think so 🙂 The key is about proper dilution. One company I know of used to make a blend called "Legacy" and it used to have 100 different EOs in it! I like to create pure blends in a separate 5ml bottle, then add the appropriate drops from that blend to DIY recipes. You can get WAY more essential oils into a recipe that way without overdoing it! And, you have the "master blend" that will last you a looong time.
Rachel says
How would I know if I'm overdoing it, and what would be the effects of that?
Also, I was wondering.. when I massage the oil onto my face I've been using an electric cleansing brush in hopes of getting the oil deeper into my pores. Do you think this is beneficial or is it over kill? Would you recommend a silicone brush head or the traditional synthetic brush head?
Hallie says
Hi Tash! Is a ratio of 1/3 hazelnut oil, 1/3 hemp seed oil, and 1/3 jojoba oil a good combo for someone who has sensitive, acne-prone, combination skin? Thanks 🙂
Sonya says
Hi! I have been using a combination of olive, peach-kernel and castor oils (and tea tree oil) for over a month now. At first, I broke out. At the moment, I don't have any acne, but the skin is ultrasensitive and it's flaky around the nose. My skin is dry, but these massive flakes are too much even for me. I remember adding very little castor oil, maybe I should ditch it altogether? Sorry for my English, greetings from Russia 🙂
Tash says
Hi Sonya!
Trying ditching the castor oil 🙂 I bet it will help with the dryness!
Kim says
Hi! I have been using OCM since a month. I use Castor oil and coconut oil in 1:1 ratio. I have oily acne prone skin. Specially i get acne on chin neck and jawline. I noticed a shine in my skin and skin texture is improving. But no difference in acne. Should I add any essential oil to it? Plus I use quite a lot of oil like a coin sized on my palm and massage it on my face. Am I using too much of it. Thanks 🙂
Tash says
Hi Kim!
What is your diet like?
kate says
Kim, ditch the coconut oil - it's probably breaking you out. Use jojoba, castor, and/or argan instead.
tony says
Hi, I watched some tutorials about OCM, they all mentioned using Castor oil as a base oil along with the other carrier oil. I bought castor oil and jojoba oil mixed with some tea tree oil, is it good for my combo acne-prone skin? Can I still add another carrier oil? like almond or rosehip?
Tash says
Hi Tony!
yes, a lot of people recommend using castor oil in their OCM protocol. I personally don;t use it anymore because it was too drying for my skin. However, a lot of people have success using it even with acne-prone skin. You can add any additional carrier oil you like to make your own special blend that suits your skin type 🙂
Brooke says
Hi there! I just signed up for your emails and started following you on FB ? I have a 2 part question. I have combination skin and tend to get blackheads all over my nose. My face can also get really dry at times (summer and winter). I did a little research, but frankly it was overwhelming trying to figure out exactly what it is I needed. I ordered jojoba oil and rosehip oil for my face. I also have several essential oils. Which combos do you think would be best? Also, I have seen recipes for oil cleansing, oil toners and oil moisturizers. Do I need to be using all three? Or is that overkill? Thanks SO much in advance!!
Tash says
Hi Brooke!
Thanks for following 😀
To answer your question, no, you don't need 3 different oils. What I would do is just stick with one face oil and rose water as your toner (it balances the PH of your skin better than anything else). I would also use gentle essential oils for combination skin like lavender, geranium, bergamot, and orange. I wrote a whole post on the best essential oils for your skin type so be sure to check it out 🙂
Best of luck!
Kayla says
Hi There Tash,
I have been using essential oils on my face for a few months now and have noticed SOME difference, but not the change I was expecting. I think it is because I was too afraid to jump right into strictly using oils and have been washing with a castile soap/tea tree oil combo and moisturizing with EO's. Have you had any experience with castile soap for face wash? Should I just jump in now and use it as my cleanser as well?
Tash says
Hi Kayla!
Don't forget too that skin issues are often because of an internal imbalance so make sure you're eating clean. Also, are you putting the EOs directly on your skin without diluting them? Some of them you can, but I was just wondering which ones you were using. Also, what is your skin type? Oily? Dry?
Sydney says
Hello! Really enjoyed this article! I am keen to try out oil cleansing for myself. I have just ordered some hemp oil to try for now. I have combination skin, oily t-zone but ok elsewhere. I also have extremely persistent blackheads on my nose, forehead and chin. I have tried everything from salycilic acid, clay masks, witch hazel but nothing has made much difference. I hoping OCM will help. Can you recommend any oils that might be beneficial for me? Thank you
Tash says
Hi Sydney!
Blackheads are so annoying but once you get your skin properly balanced they won't be such an issue. Blackheads are caused by gunk building up in our pores (namely sebum and dead skin) so once we are able to control sebum production and are able to help our skin slough off dead skin cells they normally go away in a few weeks. Eating as clean as you can, staying hydrated, getting time outdoors, and moving your body daily are great ways to control sebum production. In time your skin will balance itself and won't have trouble with cell turnover. Hemp seed oil is amazing too btw! So I definitely recommend using it for blackheads. I know this doesn't sound natural, but you can get a good head start by using pore strips before diving into the OCM. They will pull out the gunk and give you a clean slate before you begin 🙂 Just keep in mine that pore strips don't fix the problem in the long term.
Courtney says
Hey. I have eczema and have done since birth. I used to use steroids for a long time as a child and as a result I have got stretch marks and uneven skin. And is the any oils that can firm up the skin.
Tash says
Hi Courtney!
The best way to heal up eczema is to change your diet. Avoid grains and limit dairy as much as possible. Also finding out what your allergies are is another great way to help lessen your outbreaks.
As far as creams and oils, I would recommend something mild like whipped shea butter. You don't need very much at all to get great results!
Best of luck!
Macky says
You're not worried about the lemon photosensitizing the skin?
Tash says
Hi Macky!
Good catch! I have updated the article 🙂
Debs says
I've been doing the ocm for about a week now, combination skin and have been using castor oil and olive oil 1:1 u think this is the right combo for my skin type? I'm prone to acne and have ugly red scars from old spots. I have been putting tea tree in with it but is there any other u would recommend? Xx
Tash says
Hi Debs!
How has the combo been working for your skin so far the past week? Any improvements? Any setbacks?
Amanda says
I've just spent my evening reading your blog, and it's amazing! I'm just starting out with the oil cleansing method, and I'm hoping that you could give me some advice. My skin is ridiculously dry and flaky, but I've still got large pores a d blackheads. Any ideas on what oils I should start with?
Tash says
Hi Amanda!
I'm so happy to hear that you like my blog 🙂 For dry skin and large pores I would recommend using sweet almond oil. It isn't too heavy and is tolerated by most skin types. The blackheads are super annoying right? I basically use an oil cleansing scrub to help keep them at bay and less noticeable. I plan on writing a blog post on it pretty soon! So keep an eye out 🙂
Deborah Smith says
Can you suggest me any usage of Tea tree oil? I have heard that this oil is also very helpful but now sure about the exact usage.
Tash says
Hi Deborah!
Try adding 2-3 drops of tea tree oil to a pump of your favorite pure facial oil (i.e. sweet almond, jojoba, coconut, etc) and massage it into your skin. Follow the oil cleansing method with this little trick and you can have clearer happier skin!
Tea tree in general is super useful for all kinds of things, especially first aid and acne skin care. Let me know if there is anything in particular you want to know about it 🙂
Kimberly says
I like to wash my face in the shower in the morning and then at night to take makeup off. Would the oil cleaning method be okay twice a day?
Tash says
In fact, it is recommended to do it twice a day if you can 🙂 Many find that they only need to old cleanse once a day after they have been oil cleansing for a while.