The final months of school are upon us and that means lots of studying. Lots of studying means there’s a need for retaining information better and that’s where this memory and concentration blend comes in.
Memory and Concentration Blend Recipe
Not only is this blend great for those late night cramming sessions, it’s also nice for those who are simply learning a new skill or hobby. It keeps your mind clear, keen, and calculating and aids in the retention of new information. Students of all ages will love its invigorating scent to help pull them through instead of relying on caffeine. You won’t need anymore all-nighters after using this! Paired with the momentum blend, you’ll be unstoppable in everything you do.
How to Make a Memory and Concentration Blend
Here’s what you’ll need:
• 1 roll-on bottle
• 2 TB carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil, grapeseed oil, sweet almond oil, or olive oil
• 15 drops rosemary essential oil- rosemary essential oil is amazing for lowering stress (read more here) and helping you retain information for future events. The scent alone has been proven to lower cortisol levels in just a few minutes.
• 10 drops lemon essential oil- this oil helps keep you in a positive mood while learning something new.
• 5 drops of basil essential oil- basil is wonderful for ameliorating poor memory and fatigue-induced distraction.
• 3 drops peppermint essential oil- peppermint helps keep your senses sharp while studying!
Loving Preparation- Memory and Concentration Blend
Add all of the essential oils one by one to the roll-on bottle.
Next, add enough carrier oil to fill the roll-on bottle to the shoulder.
Cap closed and shake gently to mix.
To Use:
Since this blend contains lemon essential oil, be sure to apply it on areas that are not exposed to direct sunlight. I usually apply it just below the collar of my shirt or I just inhale deeply directly (3-4 deep breaths) from the roll-on while studying. Both methods work very well!
Use this blend as often as desired.
[yumprint-recipe id='95']What are your favorite ways to boost memory and concentration?
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Rakhi Banerjee says
You said to use "2 TB carrier oil", what is TB stands for ?
Tash says
Tablespoons 🙂
Rakhi Banerjee says
I've bought all the aroma oils. Added the aroma oil doses you mentioned in 30ml bottle & filled it up with olive oil. I'm applying it on my daughter's collar.
In how many days I will be able to notice the improvement ?
Nene says
Would this be recommend to use in a diffuser?
Tash says
Hi Nene!
You can definitely use this in a diffuser, especially when studying 🙂
Nene says
Thank you! How is it that it works? Does it take its time or is it fast working?
Tash says
Hello again!
Essential oils stimulate the brain and olfactory receptors. Have you ever smelled something that reminded you of your childhood or a specific memory? Essential oils can do the same when used during study or when working on a project. They can also help in general with cognitive function and memory retension 🙂
rawbeauty says
where can i buy a roll on bottle or can u i use something else
Tash says
Hi Rawbeauty!
You can get roll on bottles here! 🙂