Acne. There are a million ways to treat it, heal it, and prevent it. You can do this by changing the way you eat, by using face masks, scrubs, spot treatments, lowering stress, or even by balancing your hormones.
I’ve tried just about everything including many a DIY recipe here and there, but I have to say, nothing sounds as crazy as this concept.
What concept might that be you ask?
Well, what if I told you to do nothing to your face?
Nothing as in, don’t even THINK about washing, exfoliating, or even getting water on it?
Um…what? Am I crazy? Maybe I am.
This crazy concept is known as the caveman regimen.
What is the Caveman Regimen?
Well, if you are paleo or are familiar with the paleo diet then you know what the caveman regimen is…it's paleo for your face to be exact!
The whole idea behind this caveman regimen is that our ancestors didn’t use any form of face care at all let alone even get their faces wet. They never used acne treatments, medicated creams, spot treatments, or astringents. The only “skin care” they used was plain water.
In this day and age, the paleo movement stands behind this premise: If the skin is left to its own devises, it will balance itself. This means that your skin will stop over/under producing oil leaving your skin perfectly balanced and clear when you STOP messing with it.
Most of us douse ourselves with too many face care products to count, some of which strip our skin’s acid mantle; the barrier that protects our skin from all sorts of nasty things. This alters the skin’s PH which in turn allows acne causing bacteria to get nice and comfy.
That’s right. Washing your face with stripping PH altering face washes actually makes room for acne causing bacteria to multiply!
So what am I saying here exactly?
Stop washing your face!
The theory is that once you stop washing your face, your sebum levels should begin to normalize because your skin finally has a chance to stop overproducing oil.
What to Expect From the Caveman Regimen
I know the caveman regimen sounds kind of crazy because I’m telling you go against everything you’ve ever believed about skin care.
But what if this is what finally cured yoru acne or at least drastically improved it? Might be worth it I say!
So what should you expect if you decide to switch over?
Well, there are a couple of things you’re going to notice pretty much right off the bat during your first month on the caveman regimen. Dry skin. Lots of it.
I know that sounds scary! But really it’s just your skin purging the dead skin and normalizing itself. The best way to get rid of it is either dry brushing the skin gently or even using scotch tape to help you remove it in order to reveal the baby soft skin beneath. Do NOT wash or scrub your face! I know it’s tempting!
Secondly, you may want to try moisturizing with hemp seed oil or jojoba oil because they are the BEST oils to use for the skin in my opinion. (read about my thoughts on hemp here and jojoba here). I have also written extensively on what oils are the best for your skin type here.
The next thing you’re likely to notice is that you’ll still break out a little bit. However! These little pimples here and there will actually heal much faster than before! This is because you’re not messing with your face all the time and allowing it to heal properly. Keep in mind not to use any cosmetics during this time to prevent clogged pores.
Basically, if you’re worried about not being able to wash it off, don’t use it!
Lastly, the caveman regimen is sort of a commitment. You can’t just do it for a few days or weeks and then revert back to washing. The best way to go about it is to go all in and really stick to it for the best results. I’ve heard of people swear by this regimen and have never even thought of looking back.
For more great tips on clearing acne check out the articles below:
The Complete List of Comedogenic Oils
6 Skincare Tips That Cleared My Acne Naturally
3 Steps to Improve your Female Hormonal Acne – Anyone Can do It!
The Oil Cleansing Method
What are the Best Oils for Your Skin Type?
The Best Essential Oils for Your Skin Type
How to do The Caveman Regimen
Have you ever tried the caveman regimen? Did it work well for you?
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Sarah Martinson says
Hi Tash,
Thanks for the article! I'm thinking of switching to this regimen, to get rid of the occasional stubborn pimple I get. I think my Facewash is causing the existing zits due to overdrying.
I'm thinking about doing a modified version where I just use cold water to wash, and then apply Thayers Rose Petal WitchHazel formula with a cotton ball. Is this a good step towards caveman? Or is it best to just ditch everything.
Tash says
Hi Sarah!
I think this is fine! Eventually, you can just use the witch hazel less and less to the point of just using water to "cleanse". After that, you could start using water less and less if you wanted to go straight caveman 🙂
Catie says
I haven't washed my face with soap for 9 years now (starting in middle school and now a college senior), and whenever I do wash my face I break out. I am a total advocate for the caveman regimen! I simply use a washcloth with water every night to take my makeup off (and eye makeup remover) and put water over my face in the shower. The best way to treat your body is to let your body treat itself! It's beautifully designed to compensate and is unique to you!
Tash says
Awesome testimonial Catie! Thank you ! 🙂 I have found that the less I mess with my skin, the happier it is and the healthier it looks <3
Kennsie Domersan says
Now that my parents let me do what i want with my skin again (at least i think so) im back to the caveman regimen again
(im not using oil to cleanse my skin so its not the oil cleansing method im using water only on my face),
my acne and clogged pores are slowly going away now that im on the caveman regimen again but yet again, my skin (my face specifically) is darkening.
Ive heard that lemon water used topically on skin makes it more sensitive to the sun so i thought maybe the the natural acid mantle of my skin (which is not as acidic as a lemon but still acidic) might be what is causing the darkness but, thats just my guess. I dont kbow that for sure.
Tash says
Hi Kennsie!
What you are experiencing may be what caveman regimen people refer to as "the dry skin mask". Normally this should go away in a few weeks but if it really bothers you, you can use an exfoliating cloth to help a bit. And you're right, citrus can make your skin photosensitive. The best thing I know of that balances your skin's acid mantle is rose water! I highly recommend looking into it.
Kennsie Domersan says
I tried the caveman regimen once. Im telling you ive never seen my face glow that much and look that great for the longest time as when i was on that regimen
The only problem is that my skin got very very dark. Did the slight natural acidity of my skin react to the sun somehow?
Do you have an idea of what vould have caused that and what i could have done to help with that darkening?
Now that im using SOAP my skin got a lot lighter but the clogged pores and acne came back. :/
Tash says
That is really odd Kennsie 🙁
What type of oils were you using for the OCM? I wonder if any of them could have cause photosensitivity?